Viral star Priscilla Block has announced plans for her self-titled debut EP, which is due out via Mercury Nashville on April 30th. As a preview of the new project, Block released the song “Wish You Were the Whiskey.”
Block, who broke out in 2020 with the funny and infectious hits “Thick Thighs” and “PMS,” will compile six songs on the new EP, though a track list has not yet been released. Along with the announcement, Block released the moody “Wish You Were the Whiskey,” an angsty rocker that finds her fuming about the comforts a bottle can’t replace.
“I’m high, it’s rockin’ me through the night/Keepin’ me warm, holdin’ me so tight/Finally feeling fine/And then it hits me, I wish you were the whiskey,” she sings, as the band alternates between softer passages and churning, guitar-heavy rock.
“This EP is such a vulnerable side of who I am and where I’ve been,” Block said in a release. “It’s my story of falling apart in order to find myself again. I hope that when you hear these songs, they make you feel that it’s OK to not be perfect and realize that sometimes we need the lows to value the highs.”